After spending some time trying to find a good JSON library for C++, I realized that all
the libraries out there are too heavy to use. Some of them look very good but their usage looks heavy.
So I decided to write my own. My library is compliant with RFC 4627 except that it doesn't support unicode and numbers in exponential format .
Seriously, this library is really easy to use and has no dependencies (other than STL). I cannot find another C++ json library that is that simple to use.
Usage examples
The library exposes one object that is used to do everything you need. the "JSON" object. So there is no
need to include a whole bunch of header files and use a whole bunch of class. You only need the JSON object to do everything you need. The object exposes these methods:
Method | Description |
JSON& operator[](int i); | Access a list item |
JSON& operator[](std::string str); | Access an object member |
std::string str(); | Get value of item |
void parse(std::string json); | Parse a JSON document |
std::string stringify(bool formatted=false); | serialize JSON object |
JSON& addObject(const std::string& name=""); | Add object |
JSON& addList(const std::string& name=""); | Add List |
JSON& addValue(const std::string& val,const std::string& name=""); | Add string value |
JSON& addValue(int val, const std::string& name=""); | Add integer value |
JSON& addValue(double val, const std::string& name=""); | Add double precision FP value |
Reading a JSON document
The library is very simple to use. Just compile it and it will output a "test" executable and a .a that
you can link against. Then let's say you have the following JSON document:
The following code is an example on how to use the library:
JSON json;
std::string val;
std::string str = someFunctionThatReadsAJSONDocumentFromFileOrNetworkOrWhatever();
val= json["obj1"]["member1"][0].str(); // would give "val5"
val= json["list1"][1]["listObject1"].str(); // would give "val2"
Each access to a member will return a JSON object. So you only have 1 class to use at all time.
So you can create a new variable each time or you can access all members by chaining the function calls.
val= json["obj1"]["member1"][0].str(); // would give "val5"
JSON& j1 = json["obj1"];
JSON& j2 = j1["member1"];
val = j2[0].str(); // would give "val5"
val = j2.str(); // would give "{list}"
val = j1.str(); // would give "{object}"
Invalid paths
The nice thing about this is that you don't need to worry about null objects. If you try to
access an invalid member, you will get an invalid JSON object. But if you try to access another
member from an invalid JSON object, you will also get an invalid JSON object. You will never
get a NULL object that could crash your application.
val= json["obj1"][1].str(); // would give "{invalid}" because obj1 is an object, not a list
val= json["obj2"].str(); // would give "{invalid}"
val= json["obj2"]["member2"].str(); // would also give "{invalid}"
val= json["list"][100].str(); // would give "{invalid}"
val= json["list"][100]["something"].str(); // would also give "{invalid}"
Writing a JSON document
There are 3 methods provided to add items in the JSON document:
- addObject(const std::string& keyName="")
- addList(const std::string& keyName="")
- addValue(const std::string& val, const std::string& keyName="")
All 3 functions have an optional keyName parameter. That is because if you add an item
to an Object, you need to specify the key name that will be used in the parent. Again, I wanted
to have a simple interface without having to force the programmer to use different classes if using a list
or an object. So this here is the behavior of those function calls if you provide the key name or not.
Action | Result |
addXXX on Object and provide key name | item added and parent uses keyName |
addXXX on Object and don't provide key name | item added and a key name is auto generated |
addXXX on List and provide key name | item added and key name ignored |
addXXX on List and don't provide key name | item added |
addXXX on Value and provide key name | operation is ignored |
addXXX on Value and don'tprovide key name | operation is ignored |
After adding items in the json object, you can then serialize it with stringing().
JSON json;
json.addValue("val1"); // key autogenerated because key name not provided
std::string val = json.stringify(true);
Would output:
Project can be found on github
The cmpxchg instruction takes the form of "cmpxchg destination source" where the destination
is a memory location and the source is a register. Before using this instruction, you need to load a
value in the EAX register. The instruction will first compare the value in EAX to the value in memory
pointed by the destination operand. If both values are equal, the value of the source operand will
be loaded in memory where the destination operand points to. Note that this compare and store operation
is done atomically. If, on the other hand, the destination and EAX do not match, then the destination
will be loaded into eax. At first, it might not be clear why this instruction would be usefull. But
consider this:
l2: mov eax,[mutex]
cmp eax,1
je l2
mov eax,1
l3: mov [mutex],eax
This is an unsafe way of creating a mutex. You loop until its value is zero and then set a 1 in it. But what if another thread or another CPU changed the value between l2 and l3?
If you need to store the value of a lock in memory (let's say at location 0x12345678)
then before attempting to lock a section of code, you would read the lock to see if it is free.
So you would read location 0x12345678 and test if this value is zero. If it isn't, then keep on
reading memory until it reads as zero (because some other thread cleared it). After that, you would
need to store a "1" in this location to take ownership of the lock. But what if another thread
takes ownership between the time you read the value and the time you wrote it? The CMPXCHG instruction
will write a "1" in there only if a "0" was in memory first. EAX would be equal to "0" because we
would first spin until the memory value is "0". So after that, we tell the CPU: "EAX is zero now, so
compare value at 0x12345678 with EAX (thus 0) and change it to 1 if it is equal. Otherwise, if
the value at 0x12345678 is not equal to 0 anymore, then load this value into EAX and I will go back
to spinning until I get a zero". Simple enough? Here is a sample code that illustrates this.
mov edx,1
l2: mov eax,[mutex]
cmp eax,1
je l2 ; spin until we see that eax == 0
lock cmpxchg [mutex],edx; At this point, eax=0 for sure. Now if memory location still equal to
; eax, then store edx in there.
; otherwise, eax will be loaded with changed value of mutex (should be 1)
; if not equal to zero, it means it was modified. If it was modified,
jnz l2 ; it means cmpxchg has loaded the value of the mutex in it.
; and if the value of mutex was loaded, it means it wasn't equal to zero
; by the definition of the CMPXCHG instruction.
; zf will have been set in that case, so we can just make a conditional jump
Now, notice how we used "lock" before using cmpxchg? This is because we want the CPU to lock the bus
before doing the operation so that no other CPU will interfere with that memory location.
This is my first project I did with the resiprocate SIP stack. There's a lot of things left to do in this project but I
wanted to post the code here right away in case someone needs more example on how to use resiprocate.
Dependencies and limitations
I chose to use resiprocate as the SIP stack and ortp as the RTP stack and libxml2 and the XML parser.
The application only supports G.711 uLaw.
The application only supports SIP info for receiving DTMF (inband and RFC2833 not supported).
Resiprocate provides a Dialog Usage Manager (DUM). This engine is very useful for applications that don't want to deal with low level SIP messages.
The DUM allows you to receive events such as onOffered, onAnswer, onTerminated (plus many more) by the use of an observer pattern. Using a class called
AppDialogSet, it is possible to represent a "call" or a "dialog" and let the DUM manage it. For example, you could override the AppDialogSetFactory with
your own CallFactory that would create "Call" objects derived from AppDialogSet. When receiving an event such as onOffered, the DUM
will already have created a AppDialogSet with your factory class and you can then cast this AppDialogSet with your "Call". This is a good
way to receive a "Call" reference on every events you get. And the beauty of this is that you never need to delete it becausr the DUM will take care of it.
More information is available on the resiprocate website.
ortp is very easy to use but only provides basic functionalities. It won't bind to any sound cards or include encoding like other fancy stack do.
This stack only allows you to open a stream and feed it data encoded with whatever codec you want. It is the developper's responsibility to make
sure that the data that is fed is encoded with the proper codec.
Threading model
I chose to use 1 thread for general processing and 1 thread for each RTP session.
The main thread is used to give cycles to the resiprocate DUM and to the WakeupCallService. A new thread is created for each RTP sessions. The RTP session
only handles outgoing stream since we don't need the incomming stream. The ortp stack provides a way to read multiple streams
from the same thread but I prefer to use different threads in order to leverage multi-cores CPUs.
The server is a user agent that registers with you PBX. Just call the server and enter the time at wich you want your wakeup call
and the extension at which you wanna be notified.
For example, you would enter 0,6,3,0 to get a wakeup call at 6h30 AM. I left out the prompts from the package so you'll
want to replace them. The IVR is defined in the xml file. Just change the prompt names.
There is no configuration file you can use right now. You will need to set the proper values that you need in config.h. To launch the
application, run it and provide, as a command line argument, the ip address on which to bind on your computer.
Download the source code
Fast Fourier Transform with x86-64 assembly language
This is an old application I did a while ago. I did this in 2005 when I got my first 64bit CPU (AMD).
The first I did after installing my new CPU was to open VI and start coding an FFT using 64 bit registers. This is old news, but 64 bit at that time was awesome. Not only can you store 64 bits in a register, but you get 32 general purpose registers!
The only really annoying thing with this architecture is that they don't provide a bit reveral instruction. I don't understand why a simple RISC processor like the AVR32 (lookup "brev") has one but not a high end CISC like Intel or AMD. I don't actually show the bit reveral part of the FFT in here though.
By the way, I remember doing some tests with this algorithm and, although I don't remember the results exactly (7 years ago), I remember that it was running at least 5 times faster than most other FFTs in other libraries.
//; x8664realfft(float* source,float** spectrum,long size)
mov $1,%eax
cvtsi2ss %eax,%xmm10
pshufd $0b00000000,%xmm10,%xmm10
mov $-1,%eax
cvtsi2ss %eax,%xmm10
pshufd $0b11000100,%xmm10,%xmm10
jmp fftentry
mov $1,%eax
cvtsi2ss %eax,%xmm10
pshufd $0b00000000,%xmm10,%xmm10
pushq %rbp
movq %rsp,%rbp
pushq %rbp
subq $0xFF,%rsp
movq %rsp,%rbp
//; make a 16bytes aligned buffer
addq $16,%rbp
pushq %r15
pushq %r14
pushq %r13
pushq %r12
pushq %r11
pushq %r10
pushq %r9
pushq %r8
//; rcx = size
movq %rdx,%rcx
pushq %rcx
//; rdx = source
mov %rdi,%rdx
pushq %rdx
//; rdi = spectrum[0]
movq (%rsi), %rdi
addq $8, %rsi
//; rsi = spectrum[1]
movq (%rsi), %rsi
//; r8 = log2(N), r14= N
pushq %rcx
fild (%rsp)
xorq %r8,%r8
pushq %r8
fistp (%rsp)
popq %r8
popq %r14
//; bit reversal has already been done prior to calling this function
//; r9 = nLargeSpectrum
//; r10 = nPointsLargeSpectrum
movq %r14,%r9
movq $1,%r10
movq $1,%r11
mov %rdi,%r14
mov %rsi,%r15
//;load 2PI in st(0)
faddp %st(0),%st(1)
movq %r8,%rcx
l1: pushq %rcx
shrq $1,%r9
shlq $1,%r10
//;st(0) = theta, st(1) = 2pi
fld %st(0)
pushq %r10
fidiv (%rsp)
popq %r10
//;xmm0 = 2*costheta[0],2*costheta[0],2*costheta[0],2*costheta[0]
//; st(0) = theta, st(1) = 2pi
pushq %rax
fld %st(0)
fstp (%rsp)
movss (%rsp),%xmm0
pshufd $0b00000000,%xmm0,%xmm0
popq %rax
addps %xmm0,%xmm0
movq %r9,%rcx
l2: pushq %rcx
//; r12 = point1 (index *4bytes) r13 = point2 (index *4bytes)
movq %r10,%r12
movq %r9,%rax
subq %rcx,%rax
pushq %rdx
mulq %r12
popq %rdx
movq %rax,%r12
movq %r11,%r13
addq %r12,%r13
shlq $2,%r13
shlq $2,%r12
//; xmm2 = costheta[2],sintheta[2],costheta[1],sintheta[1]
movq %r12,16(%rbp)
decq 16(%rbp)
fld %st(0)
fimul 16(%rbp)
fstp (%rbp)
fstp 4(%rbp)
decq 16(%rbp)
fld %st(0)
fimul 16(%rbp)
fstp 8(%rbp)
fstp 12(%rbp)
movaps (%rbp),%xmm2
pshufd $0b10110001 ,%xmm2,%xmm2
//;xmm1 = costheta[1],sintheta[1],0,0
movhlps %xmm2,%xmm1
movq %r11,%rcx
//; recurrence formula
//; xmm3 = w.re,w.im,w.re,w.im
movaps %xmm2,%xmm3
mulps %xmm0,%xmm3
subps %xmm1,%xmm3
movlhps %xmm3,%xmm3
movaps %xmm2,%xmm1
movaps %xmm3,%xmm2
mulps %xmm10,%xmm3
//; xmm5 := c.im,c.re,c.re,c.im
movq %r14,%rdi
movq %r15,%rsi
addq %r13,%rdi
addq %r13,%rsi
movss (%rdi),%xmm5
pshufd $0b00000011,%xmm5,%xmm5
addss (%rsi),%xmm5
pshufd $0b00101000,%xmm5,%xmm5
//; xmm3 := inner product: re,re,im,im
mulps %xmm3,%xmm5
pshufd $0b11011101 ,%xmm5,%xmm3
pshufd $0b10001000 ,%xmm5,%xmm5
addsubps %xmm5,%xmm3
pshufd $0b10101111,%xmm3,%xmm3
//;xmm6 := sortedArray[point1].re,sortedArray[point1].re,sortedArray[point1].im,sortedArray[point1].im
movq %r14,%rdi
movq %r15,%rsi
addq %r12,%rdi
addq %r12,%rsi
movss (%rdi),%xmm6
pshufd $0b00001111,%xmm6,%xmm6
addss (%rsi),%xmm6
pshufd $0b11100000,%xmm6,%xmm6
addsubps %xmm3,%xmm6
pshufd $0b00100111,%xmm6,%xmm6
movss %xmm6,(%rdi)
pshufd $0b11100001,%xmm6,%xmm6
movss %xmm6,(%rsi)
movq %r14,%rdi
movq %r15,%rsi
addq %r13,%rdi
addq %r13,%rsi
pshufd $0b01001110,%xmm6,%xmm6
movss %xmm6,(%rdi)
pshufd $0b11100001,%xmm6,%xmm6
movss %xmm6,(%rsi)
//; increase point1 and point2 by 4 bytes (each index represent a float)
addq $4,%r12
addq $4,%r13
decq %rcx
jnz l3
popq %rcx
decq %rcx
jnz l2
//; remove theta from fpu stack
fstp %st(0)
shlq $1,%r11
popq %rcx
decq %rcx
jnz l1
popq %rdx
//; rcx is already pushed in stack
cvtsi2ss (%rsp),%xmm1
pshufd $0b00000000,%xmm1,%xmm1
popq %rcx
shrq $2,%rcx
movq %r14,%rdi
movq %r15,%rsi
//; is this a ifft or a fft?
cvtss2si %xmm10,%eax
cmp $-1,%eax
jne nrm
cp: movaps (%rdi),%xmm2
movntdq %xmm2,(%rdx)
addq $16,%rdi
addq $16,%rdx
loop cp
jmp cleanexit
movaps (%rdi),%xmm2
movaps (%rsi),%xmm3
divps %xmm1,%xmm2
divps %xmm1,%xmm3
movntdq %xmm2,(%rdi)
movntdq %xmm3,(%rsi)
addq $16,%rdi
addq $16,%rsi
loop nrm
fstp %st(0)
popq %r8
popq %r9
popq %r10
popq %r11
popq %r12
popq %r13
popq %r14
popq %r15
addq $0xFF,%rsp
popq %rbp